Monday, February 3, 2025

Screen Test: Audience Feedback

 This post explains how we showed a rough draft of our music video, album cover, and social media page to some members of our target audience in order to receive helpful feedback.

The purpose of a screen test is to gain audience feedback about our work and see if there are any improvements that can be made. We decided to use Google Forms to create a survey to share with our audience because it is an online platform that can be accessible anywhere at any time. It also allows participants to save their answers automatically, thus being more convenient for them. Additionally, our team members can collaborate easily as it allows us to edit the form together. 

Here are our questions in the Google Form: 

We chose these questions because we were interested in understanding if our target audience could decode and interpret our music video with our intended message. Asking them additional questions on the digipak/album covers lets us know which images appealed the most to our audience. Moreover, considering their suggestions for social media posts would likely increase our chances at engaging our audience. We included members of our target demographic (young Indonesian women and teenagers) in the screen test to ensure that the feedback we receive is appropriate.

Finding people for the screen test was easy because we were already familiar with a lot of people who are part of our target audience. We also initially only needed 4 people from our school to help us with our feedback but we decided to ask 2 more Indonesian people from outside our school and outside Bali as we intend to our target audience to include young women from all over Indonesia.

Here are the drafts that we showed audiences for the screen test: 

Music video 

Digipak (Album Cover):

Here are the results from the audience feedback:

We collected a total of 6 responses (5 females, 1 male with an age range of 17-18)

Respondent 1

Respondent 2

Respondent 3

Respondent 4

Respondent 5

Respondent 6

This feedback allowed us to receive thoughts and opinions from the audiences at a different point of view since we have been solely watching from a producer and editor’s view thus may be biased towards our work. This fresh perspective will allow us to improve based on the critique we have received. From the feedback, we learned what worked well and what could be changed. Firstly, our audiences captured and interpreted the persona of the star actor well, seeing that they described her as someone passionate and determined, just as how we intended her to be. In addition to that, throughout the music video the audiences did understand the storyline quite well though there were confusions in certain parts which may be due to lack of clarity. Furthermore, people such as lower class Indonesians weren’t represented more visually where as a result, a lot of misunderstanding came from this.

With this knowledge, it would then help us know effective methods on how to get our audiences to interact and engage with our media products better. 


  • Since we did not represent lower income families as well as we had intended, we chose to highlight the themes of a mother-daughter relationship more instead. This decision is because adding more technical elements to highlight the lower class would need us to rework our entire music video and, due to deadlines, we simply do not have the time or resources to do that. Perhaps, we can discuss the star's lower class past through social media posts instead. We also realise that often times, financial struggle is not often something that can often be visually obvious and so we hope that through representing her this way, we can appeal more to individuals in similar situations and be an inspiration to them through making our star more relatable.

How this was useful:

  • We are able to know what changes or additions we can make to make our music video more interesting to our audience
  • Broaden range of ideas from suggestions
  • Getting to know our audience to appeal to them


  • This audience feedback was really helpful as I enjoyed being able to understand our work from a new perspective therefore understand our strengths and weaknesses
  • Deciding what questions to include and what not to include was hard as we needed to be sure that people wouldn't refuse to answer the form because it was too long so we needed to decide what questions were the most important to include. We decided that questions that focused on branding, what appealed to our target audience and 

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Post-Production: Editing

Production: Behind the Scenes

This blog post will show our behind the scenes for our filming

Initially, we planned to have individual roles, as stated in our statement of intent, however since we had to do multicam editing, we all ended up sharing roles for both cameraman and director. 

Day 1 (23/12/24)

Production: File Organisation

This blog will detail our file organisation strategies

Application (Google Drive) 
For our file organisation, Cheryl created a Google Drive folder to upload our files in.  

- Can be accessed by any team member anywhere
- Has a folder feature
- Good for keeping track as we know the dates the files were uploaded
- Any team member can upload the files on their own

- Needs internet connection to be accessed 
- Files may take long to upload/download
- If any files get accidentally deleted, team members cannot access them anymore
- We still need to transfer files from the camera which takes more time

Organisation System
As for our organisation system, we decided to use folders to compile and categorise our files

Additionally, we created more folders inside our behind the scenes and filming vids folders to be able to further categorise our work into specific dates or scenes

- Creates easy access since it lets us find all the files we may need for a specific task
- Easy navigation

- Risky since if a folder gets accidentally deleted, all the files in it get deleted too 
- Does not help us know which shot/clip is the specific one we are looking for

Benefits of file organisation:
- For me, file organisation has allowed me to easily locate the files I need
- It is a lot more convenient than having each member send the files individually each time our shots/clips are needed
- Since any team member can access it at any time, it will allow others to check if our shots/clips are good quality

- These benefits and advantages have turned out to be really helpful for our production and greatly overpower the disadvantages
- However, as my laptop was still broken, I could not transfer the files from my camera into the device I was temporarily using (tablet) to upload them to our Drive. In the end, I had to borrow Cheryl's laptop and adapter to transfer it to her laptop and upload it into the drive for me
- Although the problem was solved in the end, I still did not like having to rely on my teammate for this as it meant that I took up some of her time. 

Social Media: Research & Development

Branding Research

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Typography Research

This blog will contain my typography research

After doing digipak research, I concluded that it would be beneficial to do a brief research into typography as I've noticed that it has an important role in communicating meanings

Serif Fonts
- Associated with formality
- Easy to read 

Sans Serif Fonts
- Associated with modernity
- High readibility

Display Fonts
- Usually used to make designs stand out
- Not meant to be used in full sentences or paragraph 
- Attracts the audience’s attention

Handwriting Fonts
- Associated with simplicity and youth
- Creates a handmade feel
- Usually not meant to be used in full sentences or paragraphs

Calligraphy Fonts
 - Associated with formality and luxury
- Elicits a handmade feel while maintaining an air of luxury
- Not meant to be used in full sentences or paragraphs

Screen Test: Audience Feedback

 This post explains how we showed a rough draft of our music video, album cover, and social media page to some members of our target audienc...